Monday, August 13, 2007

Organic-Based Photovoltaics

You all know how I love my organics :)

WHY is our federal government spending $427 million on researching how to "cleanly" burn coal ( em, not eliminating...the carbon dioxide produced), when that shining orb in the sky gives more energy in one hour than what the world consumes in one year? Could it have anything to do with who is in office? Could it have anything to do with the mainstream population who could care less? Perhaps assisted by the fact that roughly 37 million living in this country are considered under the poverty line (under "Dubyah" an extra 5.4 million have slipped below that line) and so probably aren't too concered with renewable energy. YET, cleaning up environmentally is inextricably linked to lowering poverty rates. To be continued in my next blog entry discussing the link between poverty and environment. Now back to photovoltaics.

New Zealand has taken the lead in photovoltaics, in my opinion, by taking a hint from nature....isn't that how we've developed most of our successfully inventions (thought pause)? Anyway, the cells are pretty because they are colored with synthetic organic compounds such as an chlorophyll imposter which is, yes, emerald green. Even better than their looks is their function. The demo cells showed the ability to generate eletricity in low-light conditions, just incase you live in Rochester, NY, and they are way more environmentally friendly than the current silicon technologies. The cells are made from titanium dioxide which is a renewable resource taken from the black sand of New Zealand. Which, of course, is the tree we in the US are barking up.

I didn't mention the best part....its CHEAPER! 1/10th the cost of silicon technology. Those kiwis aren't foolin' around. Cheers to them.

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